PART III : Common mistakes students make when using articles.


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Here are a few more common mistakes students make when using articles:

Incorrect use with abstract nouns: Students sometimes struggle with using articles with abstract nouns. In general, abstract nouns do not require an article unless they are specific or mentioned before. For example, "Devotion is beautiful" (no article) versus "The devotion I feel for RamaKrushna is beautiful" (the article is used because it refers to a specific devotion).

Incorrect use with names of countries, cities, and languages: Students may misuse articles when referring to countries, cities, and languages. The general rule is that articles are not used before the names of countries or cities, but they are used when referring to a group of islands, regions, or specific geographical features. For example, "I visited Russia" (no article) versus "I visited the Maldives" (the article is used because it refers to a specific group of islands).

Misuse with superlatives: Students may misuse articles when using superlatives. When a superlative adjective is used, "the" is necessary before the noun. For example, "He is the tallest student in the class" (the article is used before the superlative "tallest").

Confusion with expressions of time: Students may struggle with using articles with expressions of time. Generally, articles are not used with expressions like "in the morning," "at night," "on Sunday," or "during the day." However, articles are used when the time period is specific or defined, such as "I saw her in the morning" (specific morning) versus "I like to exercise in the mornings" (general mornings).

Incorrect use in conditional sentences: Students may incorrectly use articles in conditional sentences. Articles are not typically used before nouns in conditional clauses. For example, "If I were president" (no article) versus "If I were the president of the India" (the article is used because it refers to a specific president).

Remember, mastering article usage takes time and practice. At GrowEng Studies and Trainings we encourage students to actively read and listen to English material, pay attention to article usage in context, and seek feedback from teachers or language partners to improve their skills.

Dhananjay Shingroop
Educator and Trainer at
GrowEng Studies and Trainings
Coaching Institute for English and Social Science

CONTACT : 9404911719

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  1. Mrs. Pophali, IIM Nagpur.July 21, 2023 at 10:21 PM

    All three parts are very informative and very much useful. Sir, your all articles are valuable.
    Will you please publish write-up on prepositions?


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