Moba-ill facility walls

Moba-ill facility walls

In this digital era going on with the modern era, a smartphone with expensive prices is seen in everyone's hand.

People keep their eyes fixed on their mobile screens from early morning till late night. Strictly speaking, a small screen has made man its slave in practice. Most people are unable to turn away from this screen even if they want to, because it has become an important part of our life. In a way, smartphones have captured the human mind. Now the power of their own mind is less in controlling humans and smartphones are doing the work of controlling them.

This habit has destroyed the emotional fabric within man. For this reason, many changes have started appearing in the behavior of human beings. The truth is that a kind of light is emitted from digital devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, TVs etc. Their light has a blue part of the spectrum which causes problems in the human body and brain.

Due to this people are facing serious problems like forgetfulness, irritability. The body is not only being harmed by running fingers on the mobile screen without need throughout the day. Rather, because of this, mental stress and increasing distance between loved ones are forcing the person to feel lonely. Despite having all kinds of relationships around, man is becoming lonely.

But this modern technology and equipment makes people so habitual and lost that gradually man gets used to living in solitude and he starts considering this as his society. A society where there is no value of emotions, feelings, sympathy, affinity and relationships. Emotionality dies in a person. And then naturally the emotionally broken person begins to feel lonely.

It is true that the digital world has given a lot to the world and society. Made life easier in many ways. But sometimes it seems that it has taken away a lot from us too. Today, a strange change has started appearing in small children. They are not able to understand their family and social relation. Even ignoring the needs of his personality. The reason for this is not that there is any deficiency in the children. This has happened because of the surrounding environment and family changes.

In our society, at a young age, people used to learn to mold themselves according to the wishes of the elders of the family and many influential people apart from the parents. Earlier, family linguistic dialogue was established in the mind and brain of the children. The parents used to stay connected with the children. Children were told the meaning of various relationships. In any family relationship, there is a feeling of motherhood on the part of the elders and respect on the part of the younger ones and the level of mutual attachment is very high, which is its specialty. The natural feeling in our relationships has ended.

Sensation and sentimentality have remained nominal. Most of the parents today are worried about their children that their children have stopped or greatly reduced communication. Children do not give them time, are not understanding each other. Every parent has intimate attachment and high expectations from their children, but when the children grow up, they make distance from the parents. In such a situation, the elderly parents break down. No matter how rich a person is with knowledge, wealth and power, he may become a scholar in every field, but unless he is enriched with feelings and sensibility, then all this is of no use.

Education works to connect the society with emotional sensitivity and intimacy, not to break it. Our relationships are all old. But the perspective of thinking has changed. Today there is a need to understand relationships and to know each other, to cooperate with each other, to take the society along. Relationships depend on kinship, sensitivity and intimacy which is also a psychological fact.

If a person would be living a life without a smartphone, he would definitely feel much happier, calmer and emotionally connected. To live nature and life, we have to step out of the virtual reality of the digital world. We have to move away from the competitive society of marketing, we have to increase the spirit of co-operation, we have to walk together by integrating relationships. Only then we will be able to become strong intellectually, economically and socially.

-Dhananjay Shingroop

Tutor for Academic English ans Social science


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