Homework Help Tips

Parents often struggle to juggle their jobs and their children's school-assigned homework simultaneously.

Homework Help Tips

Homework is good for kids because it helps them learn and be responsible. But sometimes, it can be hard. Here are some simple tips for parents to assist with homework

Create a study-friendly environment: Make a quiet and bright place for your child to do their homework. Give them all the things they need, like pens, paper, and books, so they can work without being disturbed. This helps them focus and work better.

Set a routine: Have a regular time for homework that fits your child's schedule. Some kids like to start right after school, while others need a short break first. Let your child work by themselves, but be there to help when they need it. This helps them learn to be responsible and figure things out on their own.

Prioritize tasks: Teach your child to do the most important homework first, especially if it has a deadline. This way, they can reduce stress and learn to manage their time better. You can also help them break big assignments into smaller parts, which makes them less overwhelming. Setting specific goals for each study session can also be very helpful.

Teach your child time Management: Show your child how to manage their time. Use a timer for short study times (like 25 minutes) followed by a short break. This is called the Pomodoro Technique, and it helps them be more productive and not get tired too quickly.

Provide relevant resources: Give your child access to books, websites, and other learning materials to help them with their homework. The more resources they have, the easier it is for them to do their work on their own. Encourage them to focus on learning and understanding, not just getting good grades. Let them ask questions and explore topics deeply.

Avoid micromanaging: Don't try to control every little thing your child does for their homework. It can make them frustrated and not want to do it. Instead, be there to help and guide them, but trust them to finish their tasks by themselves. This way, they become more responsible and independent.

These tips will make homework easier for your child, and you can support them without taking over.

The poem
Guiding Lights for Homework Nights
By Dhananjay Shingroop (Kaumudey)

First, find a space, calm and bright,

Where their work can take flight.

Pens, paper, all they need at hand,

In this space, they'll understand.

Set a time that suits their day,

For focused work, it's the way.

Independence, let them find,

Responsibility, in their mind.

Prioritize the tasks they face,

Important ones, quick to embrace.

Break it down, make it small,

Motivation will stand tall.

Teach them time's precious art,

With short sessions, they'll do their part.

Pomodoro, a technique to try,

Productivity will reach the sky.

Resources, books, and websites to explore,

Learning's key, let them ask for more.

Shift the focus from grades to grow,

Knowledge's path, they'll proudly show.

Micromanaging, resist the call,

Independence will stand tall.

Guide and support, trust their way,

Homework's challenges, they'll sway.

So parents, in this simple verse,

Help your child, your love immerse.

With these steps, you'll find the way,

To make homework a brighter day


Dhananjay Shingroop
Educator and Trainer at
GrowEng Studies and Trainings
Coaching Institute for English and Social Science

CONTACT : 9404911719

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