
Showing posts from July, 2023

PART III : Common mistakes students make when using articles.

  PART III   Continue from :  Click here to open , Part II link Here are a few more common mistakes students make when using articles: Incorrect use with abstract nouns: Students sometimes struggle with using articles with abstract nouns. In general, abstract nouns do not require an article unless they are specific or mentioned before. For example, "Devotion is beautiful" (no article) versus "The devotion I feel for RamaKrushna is beautiful" (the article is used because it refers to a specific devotion). Incorrect use with names of countries, cities, and languages: Students may misuse articles when referring to countries, cities, and languages. The general rule is that articles are not used before the names of countries or cities, but they are used when referring to a group of islands, regions, or specific geographical features. For example, "I visited Russia" (no article) versus "I visited the Maldives" (the article is used because it refers t

Mistakes done by students while using a, an and the. PART II

Part II continue from : Mistakes done by students while using a, an and the. PART I When it comes to using articles (a, an, the) in English, students often make several mistakes. These mistakes can occur due to a lack of understanding of article usage rules or confusion about specific contexts. Here are some common errors students make and detailed explanations to help clarify their usage: Here we are discussing same points with the help of different examples. Omission of articles: Students sometimes omit articles altogether, especially when referring to general or abstract concepts. However, articles are necessary in most cases to specify whether we are talking about something specific or something in a general sense. For example, "I saw cat on street" should be "I saw a cat on the street" or "I saw the cat on the street." Incorrect use of indefinite articles (a, an): Students often use the wrong indefinite article. Remember that "a&quo

Mistakes done by students while using a, an and the. PART I

What type of mistakes are done by students while solving the question about articles a, an and the. PART I When students are learning to use articles (a, an, the) in English, they often make certain mistakes. Here are some common errors and their explanations: Omission of Articles: Students may forget to use articles altogether. This can occur when they are not sure about the rules or when their native language does not have articles. However, articles are an essential part of English grammar, and their absence can lead to confusion or ambiguity. It's important to remember to include the appropriate article before a noun. Incorrect Use of "A" and "An": Students sometimes struggle with choosing between "a" and "an." The general rule is to use "a" before words starting with a consonant sound and "an" before words starting with a vowel sound. However, it's important to consider the sound rather than the actual letter